Ted crashed into a weird planet.

His ship ran out of power and now he needs your help to power it again. Find the flying ores, craft wires, discover the power crystals and connect them to the ship. Help Ted escaping that weird planet!!!


  • WASD to move
  • E to interact
  • ScrollWhell for zoom

How to Play:

  • You start beside your ship in a hexagonal grid. When you move the grid will start to uncover.
  • Your first mission is to find a flying ore, you will notice them for the brown hex.
  • After you get enough resources from ores, you can go back to the ship and craft wires. (4 Cooper + 1 Prismalite = 1 Wire, 4 Copper + 1 Zetthyst = 4 wires)
  • Now that you are armed with wires, it’s time to find a Power crystal, they are fairly rare, you will notice them for the yellow hex.
  • When you spot a crystal, several blue hex will appear showing you where you can place the wires.
  • Place wires until you get to your ship. Place them with E but think before you do it, if the path to the ship is too long, energy will be lost.
  • You can also join a wire to a previous existing path.
  • Remember, power crystal doesn’t hold unlimited power.
  • If you are capable of powering the ship before the guys that were following you arrive, you’ll be free.

Some words:

It’s my first time in a game jam and I surprise myself with the result. It’s far from perfect, but to think I could do it in 72 hours blows my mind. I design the game, wrote all the code and compose the music. The main character is also my design, but all other models are taken from free resource packs in the Unity Asset Store.

Thanks to:

  • My brother for supporting me in all my ambitious (unfinished) projects.
  • My girlfriend for just supporting me in life and loving me with all her heart.
  • My dad for recording the sax part in the “Electric” theme of the song and remind me that I was against a clock.
  • And my mom too…for being there.

I await your comments.

Source code: https://github.com/smartinez15/LudumDare39
Windows: https://s-martinez.itch.io/ted-crashed